Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Nirvana vs. Gn'R

Whaaaat? That's right, they both occupied the same time period, captured the hearts of the same kids, at least this kid, were rebels, changed the status quo, even faded at the same time. Yet they are so massively different that thinking about them at the same time makes me feel schizo. It is as though there are two Me's, two lives lived, one with the Gunners and one with Kurt.

I would like to start with a look at some of the details

Appetite for Destruction 1987

Use your Illusion 1, 2 1990

Spaghetti Incident 1993

Bleach 1989

Nevermind 1991

In Utero 1993

Wow no wonder music died when these two were done. Anything else just sounds like a kitten maeo against a fighter jet taking of, and this metaphor relates more to the public mind space they occupied than the music itself. Sonic boom.

Late shows, no shows, check check, heroin, strippers (take that Courtney), check and check.

Of course there were also huge differences somehow Nirvana had a soft edge, a guy whom you'd like to fix LOL while Gn'R would just kick your ass Welcome to the Jungle.
Anyway I am only scratching the surface of this fascinating mental excursion. Long live the 90ies!


  1. Interesting ... but where does Van Halen fit into all of this?

  2. A valid point you raise my fellow audiophile (HA HA HA)The honest to god answer is that Van Halen was so ahead of it's time it didn't really register with me.
