Monday, November 22, 2010

Yes, after a 14 month hiatus I decided to write something...and this is it, sorry my starved audience of one.
I was actually pondering the kinds of movie gore out there. This came about from describing the 127 Hours movie to a particularly finicky movie goer. Now, I have not yet seen the film so what I am saying is fully based on a review that I heard. The reviewer ascertained his listeners that the movie is not that bad. I passed on this assertion.
I of course started wondering if it’s true since I just caught myself spreading someone else’s word, and a new and unproven reviewer at that. Could it be true that chewing of one’s arm on the big screen could be not that bad?
I believe that yes, if anyone can do it, it's Danny Boyle, his gore is short and piercing and overwhelming and out the door you go. The dead baby in Trainspotting...Wow, I did not know that I can stop my heart beat for that long. But then it's business as usual. Gauging eyes out in Slumdog Millionaire? I actually closed my eyes for that scene- I think, but when it was done ,it was over.
How about the other end of the spectrum, the lasting, lifer chill of David Lynch gore? Yeah, fire walk with me...

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